7th Annual AOSSG Meeting - November 25 - 26, 2015 -Seoul, Korea

Agenda Papers
00_Final schedule
01_List of Participants_updated
02_List of Materials_updated
AP 0_List of Materials
AP 1_Welcome remarks
AP 2.1_Vice Chair election
AP 2.2_Vice Chair election
AP 2.3_Vice Chair election
AP 3_IASB_Update_AOSSG_November 2015
AP 4_IFRS 4 Insurance contract
AP 5.0_AOSSG Conceptual Framewrok - Annual Conference (2015_11)
AP 5.1_Draft_AOSSG_submission_ Conceptual Framework ED (2005_11)
AP 5.2_1st DRAFT to AOSSG IF WG_IASB ED Conceptual Framework
AP 6.1_Rate_regulated_Activities
AP 7.1.0_AOSSG Strategic Plan
AP 7.1.1_AOSSG Strategic Plan
AP 7.1.2_AOSSG Strategic Plan
AP 7.1.3_AOSSG Strategic Plan
AP 7.1.4_AOSSG Strategic Plan
AP 7.2.0_COEDC_Slides
AP 7.2.1_Proposed Alternative COEDC Model
AP 8_AOSSG 2015_Sri Lanka Presentation
AP 9.1_Korea_Disclosure Initiative
AP 9.2.0_NZASB Presentation_A proposed new approach to drafting disclosure requirements
AP 9.2.1_NZASB_Disclosure Initiative_Cover Memo
AP 9.2.2_Agenda Paper 11B of the September 2015 IASB Meeting
AP 10.0_AOSSG Revenue_Annual Meeting
AP 10.1_AOSSG_submission_ED Revenue (Final)
AP 11.0_2015 Agenda Consultation
AP 11.1_[Appendix] AOSSG members_ comments on 2015 Agenda Consultation
AP 12_AOSSG KASB-AASB joint project
AP 13_AOSSG Annual Conference - ASBJ Update - Application of IFRSs
AP 14_AOSSG Meeting IFRS Adoption Final Status_pakistan
AP 15_AOSSG - 2015 bearer plants-r2-incorp ICAI
AP 16_AOSSG Slide 2015_Thailand
AP 17_AOSSG convergence with IFRS in India